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Thursday 14 August 2014

MAKE UP TIP OF THE WEEK How to Apply Makeup to Oily Skin. Every month, a variety of models and pop icons beam from the covers of fashion magazines. Their faces seem to glow around their smiles, but for most people, the first hint of shine means that oil is yet again seeping through their makeup. If you feel that your glow is less dewy radiance and more blinding oil spill, you have options to dim the glare for the look you want. The oil in your skin isn't your enemy -- it's more like having a high-maintenance friend. Like any good friendship, it comes with demands, but it also has its benefits. Oil does the important work of lubricating and protecting both your skin and your hair, keeping them flexible and moist. Think of the alternative -- dry, flaky skin and brittle frizz. The high-maintenance part of the relationship comes when you have too much oil. Your oil glands, called sebaceous glands, can get over-enthusiastic about their job and produce too much sebum, the greasy stuff that accumulates on your face. Certain stimulants, such as hormones, cosmetics, genetic characteristics and over drying of the skin through harsh weather and abrasive cleansers, can push your oil glands into overdrive. When those glands produce too much sebum, the oil builds up on your skin and makes you look greasy But with a little thought and effort, you can manage the oil. Given the wide array of cosmetics available today, you can find the best options to even out your oily complexion without worrying that your makeup will slide off your face. Certain application tools, types of makeup and blending methods help enhance a healthy glow without creating an offensive shine. First, you need to learn how best to take care of your skin and what prep work to do to get the most satisfaction -- and the least grease -- out of your makeup.

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