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Tuesday 25 October 2016

Make Your Nose Appear Smaller

How to Make A Big Nose Appear Smaller – Nose Contouring

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Feeling concerned about the size or shape of your nose is a common problem that may seem impossible to fix. Surgery is an expensive and permanent option, but there are other tips and tricks to help you to draw attention away from your nose, or to create the illusion that it is a different size or shape. Have confidence in yourself. Being self-assured that you are beautiful as you are is the best way to appear attractive, regardless of your natural features.

Select several shades of foundation. To contour your nose you will need more than one foundation product.  Choose one that is the closest possible match to your complexion. For beginners it is better to use powder foundation as cream can be more difficult to work with.Nose contouring 4
  • Choose one product 2-3 shades darker than your regular foundation.
  • Purchase a foundation that is 2-3 shades lighter than your skin tone.
  • If you just want to experiment at home, try matte brown eyeshadow in a few different shades.

Assemble the necessary tools. Angled brushes that are small with firm bristles allow for greater control. A makeup sponge or a softer brush can help with blending.
Prepare your face for contouring. Wash your face carefully to remove oils, dirt or old makeup. Gently apply the foundation that closely matches your skin tone over your whole face. If you only put makeup on your nose it will be noticeable.
Slim a wide nose. Using the angled brush, draw a line of darker powder down each side of the nose. For noses that are wide near the top, continue the line until it blends with the tip of your eyebrows.  Blend darker powder o the line looks less prominent.Nose contouring 3 - image
 Shorten a long nose. Use the darker shade of foundation over your nostrils near the bottom of your nose to create the illusion of shadow. Remember that subtlety is is key.
Disguise the tip of your nose. If the end of your nose is large or round, connect the two side stripes of dark foundation with an arrow shape. The tip of the arrow should be at the bottom center of the end of your nose.
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Blend your makeup. Using a sponge or brush carefully dab your nose to blend the lines of makeup. Note that you do not want to blur or spread the two colors out of place. The goal is to have the makeup look like natural shadows rather than distinctive lines.

Professional, yet affordable, Makeup Brushes

Watch Stephanie Lange in the video below to perfect Nose Contouring

How to Contour a Big Nose – Stephanie Lange


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